Survey Results
Greenfield Cricket Club Member’s Survey 2018 RESULTS SUMMARY
This report is a summary of your responses. The response rate to the survey was 33% (32 surveys returned). 50% of respondents were parents of junior players, 30% senior players, 10% junior players and 10% others (social members, bar staff & volunteers).
Greenfield Cricket Club Member’s Survey 2018 RESULTS SUMMARY
This report is a summary of your responses. The response rate to the survey was 33% (32 surveys returned). 50% of respondents were parents of junior players, 30% senior players, 10% junior players and 10% others (social members, bar staff & volunteers).
WHAT YOU SAID YOU LIKED: (most common answers)
There is a real togetherness within the club that is not always visible at rival clubs.
Majority are home grown players.
Everyone gets involved – everyone trains – always willing to help with youngsters.
Great coaches who show real commitment.
Great organisation as a club.
Competitive and great set up to bring juniors through to senior cricket.
Great atmosphere.
WHAT YOU SAID COULD BE IMPROVED: (most common answers)
Need some better facilities, changing rooms, – Better nets.
Better team selection – prioritize those who come to practice. Give juniors more chance in third XI.
Better Website – more up to date and link to Facebook.
More social events and better advertising of events
Senior players ranked installation of cameras to stream game lives as the second most common area for improvement
Other Key Results:
100%of respondents agreed the cost of membership offered good value for money.
95% felt the club is a focal point of the community.
There was no strong appetite for a club mission statement.
Different forms of communication were noted to be preferred by different members. Whilst many like Facebook, several do not wish to use Facebook and expressed preferences for other communication routes. There were many comments that our website should be used more and better updated.
Members would actively support a large variety of social events. The most commonly given reason by members who had not attended previous social events held at the club was lack of awareness.
98% of responses said the club is family friendly & welcoming.
Members rated the following aspects of our club as shown below.

The common reasons parents said they brought their children to GCC were:
Quality and friendliness of coaches
Welcoming atmosphere of GCC
Recommendation and Reputation of GCC
The junior players highlighted the best features of GCC as:
Having other team mates as friends
Having fun
Our coaches
All juniors said they liked training sessions and session plans met their needs. Vast majority of parents agreed, with only 2 parents suggesting training sessions could be improved.
WHAT YOU SAID YOU LIKED: (most common answers – parents and juniors)
Quality of coaches.
Friendliness of coaches.
Great atmosphere.
WHAT YOU SAID COULD BE IMPROVED: (most common answers – parents and juniors)
80% of parents said they wanted to see our junior club policies on our NEW website.
Need some better facilities, changing rooms
More junior matches / friendlies
Better website with junior sections and better communication
We asked at what age group parents think we need to change the “all-inclusive” philosophy and introduce the reality of playing the strongest team to enable players to reach their potential and develop as cricketers. There were strong views on this and different opinions expressed. 100% of responses felt that U9s should be all inclusive, but whilst 50% of responses felt the “all inclusive” approach should cease at U11s, 50 % felt it should be at an older age group.
We asked parents / carers to rate the following aspects of our junior cricket – results shown below:

The results from the survey were presented to the Senior and Junior committees for consideration and to inform future plans. As a result of members comments the committees have taken several actions which are included in the new revised GCC Club Development Plan for 2019/20. Some of the actions the committees have taken are:
- Agreed the building of a new changing room facility. The project commenced at the end of the 2018 season, is well under way and due for completion before the commencement of the 2019 season.
- Agreed a senior team selection policy – the Director of Cricket and new senior captains have agreed this policy, and is now available on the website for the start of the 2019 season.
- Updated our new Website which we have linked to Facebook, Twitter and CrichHQ stats. All club policies have been uploaded and pages for all junior sections have been created.
- Social events will be advertised on the website in future.
- We are introducing cameras to stream game lives over the internet for the 2019 season
Our next survey will take place in 2020 – meanwhile we value all comments and input from members and our local community to ensure GCC continues to provide outstanding cricket provision for our community. Please feel free at any time to comment about any aspects of GCC by e-mailing the club at
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